4 Reasons Not to Stress High School Curriculum

I get this question a lot when I tell people I am going to homeschool Chloe.  Most people feel I’m more qualified than most parents because I taught elementary school for 19 years but still they are suspicious as to how I could possibly tackle trigonometry and chemistry. 

My elementary background is a huge benefit to me in homeschooling my own daughter but I do believe that parents are their kids’ best teachers.  Read my post HERE to see why.

Here is why even though my background is elementary education I am not worried about high school content:

We are on an educational journey together

 I will not be in the role of teacher and my daughter student.  If we were going to replicate these antiquated roles from school what would be the purpose in homeschooling?  I see myself as a guide facilitating opportunities for learning.  Developing a sense of agency in children provides for more meaningful learning experiences.

If I expect her to learn this content why would I doubt that I can? 

Are we asking our teens to learn something we are incapable of learning? If I take on the job of homeschooling my daughter, I am willing to do the work that comes with that.  I may need to prepare myself for upcoming learning units when the time comes.

If I really find that I’m falling short I can get a tutor

There are many resources out there, we don’t need to do it all alone.  There are coops, tutors, virtual classes and library programs that can support my daughter in addition to myself.

Courses can be taken at a local college

This might be a fantastic learning opportunity as well as help her begin to earn college credits if she decides to follow that path.   

I believe homeschooling parents should take this journey one step at a time.  There are a lot of what ifs and future problems we can conjure up to worry about.  I intend to take it one year at a time with my daughter and only worry when necessary.  It is important to remember that we are not alone and there is always support out there!


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