Homeschooling With Confidence

Homeschooling With Confidence will help you embrace the freedom that comes with home education. You need to feel prepared, organized and focused to make homeschool joyful. This course will provide you with the tools for a clear vision, daily routine, and academic skills needed to be your child’s best teacher. Take control of your family’s lifestyle!

A Complete Framework to Guide Your Journey

This course is for…

You are right for Homeschooling With Confidence if you are…

  • seeking the freedom homeschool should afford you but lessons around the table are stealing your time

  • feeling like a hot mess most days with no time for balance in your life

  • insecure about teaching academic areas and relying on workbooks for instruction

  • leaving homeschool in the hands of virtual educators

  • constantly switching curriculums trying to find the one that meets the needs of your children

  • seeking adventures for your family and the reclaiming of family time

  • wishing learning was more meaningful and authentic

  • constantly coercing or arguing your kids to do their lessons

then this course is for you!

Homeschooling With Confidence will give you the framework you need to kick your insecurities away, get organized, set your sights on your north star, and steer the ship to what you envision your homeschool lifestyle as a family to be.

You Will Leave With…


A mapped out vision for your child’s homeschool education with PDFs to record your plans


A strong foundation for providing phonological awareness, phonics, comprehension and writing instruction for your child plus tons of PDFs to guide your lessons


A homeschool methodology you align with that provides a daily rhythm and framework


A new mindset regarding math instruction and a foundation in each of the mathematical learning standards plus PDFs to guide your lessons


A plan to bring learning outside the four walls of your home to study science, social studies, the arts and other areas


Yearly, monthly, and weekly plans for your upcoming homeschool year with PDFs to record your plans plus tons of bonus documents

6 Modules With 26 Video Lessons

  • Module 1

    Your Why: Creating Vision

    20 years teaching in public school taught me the importance of having a strong vision for an educational journey. We will begin your framework with the most important step, identifying your north star. I will take you through 4 lessons that ask you to identify the major factors that will contribute to your why.

  • Module 2

    The Educational Giants

    We will examine some of the greats and theories who came before us in the educational world. This module includes 5 lessons that focus on Waldorf, Montessori, Charlotte Mason, a classical approach, Sudbury Schools and unschooling. The goal is to help you identify bits and pieces that will help guide your process.

  • Module 3

    School Without Walls

    Let’s explore how to take learning out of the house and into the world! The best part of homeschooling is the freedom it allows our children. One way to benefit from that freedom is to give them tons of opportunities for authentic learning. The 4 lessons are designed to inspire science, social studies, the arts, and entrepreneurial studies away from the pages of books and in the real world.

  • Module 4

    Unlocking a Love for Reading

    With 20 years in an elementary classroom I’ve learned a few things about helping kids turn into readers. These 5 lessons are designed to build your capacity and confidence so that you are prepared to support your children on their journey to literacy. You will get information on phonological awareness. phonics, fluency, expression, writing, vocabulary and comprehension.

  • Module 5

    Tackling Math- You Can Do It & Love It!

    When I began teaching math was my least favorite subject. I know a lot of parents can relate. So, I built my capacity- once I was better at math I taught it better. We need to not only build your capacity and confidence in math but make you love it like I now do! The 4 lessons in this module breaks down the common core math standards so parents have a starting place that does not rely on workbooks.

  • Module 6

    Plan In Pencil

    This is my favorite module because I am a girl who loves to plan! I think my teaching background has something to do with it. Don’t worry, even if you are not a planner this module is for you because planning is not purely lesson planning. These 4 videos will look at yearly, monthly, weekly and finally daily planning to get you started on an amazing homeschool year.

My Story

Teaching public school for 20 years gave me an insider’s view to the myriad of problems with the school system. I knew as my daughter approached school-age I had to find another path for her. After my own journey I realized I was the very best person to be responsible for not only her education but what made up her day to day lifestyle. Home education has given our family control over what kind of life we want to lead. I was nervous to leave my profession and take a huge leap but it was also the most exciting choice I ever made. I know my experience can help you!

-XO Nikki

Nikki holds her BA in Child Study

MA + 75 credits in Education and professional development

MA in Educational Leadership

NY certificate to teach PreK-6

NY certificate to teach Special Education

NY certificate for School Building Leadership

NY certificate for School District Leadership

20 years experience in grades K-3

What People Are Saying

  • Matt

    “Nikki’s help has been crucial. We were able to make an important pivot in our approach, with her guidance, from an anxious concern about controlling our kids, to a confident trust, respect and loving care for their personal expressions and individuality. These are our values normally, but somehow we got caught up in ideas about curricula, schedules and control, basically replicating what we don’t like about school. Nikki is knowledgeable, practical and lucid, her guidance has been essential in us tending to our kids’ education.”

  • Mihaela

    “I found Nikki’s guidance to be genuine and thoughtful, and extremely intuitive as well. After connecting with her approach I was able to build confidence and trust in my own instincts, and embody my authentic care for my kids. I noticed how I gradually became less fearful and more confident in my own abilities to meet my children where they are. It also opened me to my own creativity to offer in their personal education. All of this resulted in real changes of qulity in the relationship between me and my kids. It’s such a joy to see them thrive.”

  • Alexandra

    “Nikki is one of the most genuine teachers you could meet. Her passion and dedication to give children a better education is so inspiring. I found myself changing my ways to approach both teaching and parenting differently after spending time with her. She is someone I look up to and love to learn from.”

  • Deirdre

    “Nikki is an amazing educator. She is passionate about creating a better world for all children. She has helped me adjust my mindset on many levels. I would highly recommend her course. It would be amazing for parents, homeschoolers and early educators!”

  • Susan

    I was so excited when I started following Nikki’s content. She inspired me to incorporate more cihld-centered activities into our day. I have since been following her and sharing with family members. I look forward to her new content. I would recommend you follow her work. I promise that she will inspire you!”

  • Vicki

    Nicolle is a passionate and innovative educator. She is not afraid to put the child’s best interest first and to advocate for creative, hands on learning. Her vast experience in curriculum and education in early elementary makes her an asset to help families ensure foundational skills while also exploring education in more authentic ways.


  • I will release 1 module per week. Each module includes 4-5 short videos. You only need to find 10 minutes to watch them and then you can work on our personal assignment throughout the week. Taking time to reflect on your homeschool is a crucial part of making it a success.

  • Investing in your own education is a responsibility you take on when choosing to homeschool your children. There are payment plans and I think you will find if you prioritize this course you will find the money you need.

  • This may seem easier but when learning is not meaningful and authentic your children lose interest. When learning becomes school work you might find the battles with your children are more difficult than investing in your own education so you can weave learning into the fabric of your lives instead of isolated hours of the day.

  • You are welcome to supplement what you learn in this course with purchased curriculum materials however, you chose homeschool to be different than mainstream schooling so don’t worry so much about replicating it. This course will give you the confidence to lead your children and free resources to support your journey are plentiful online.

  • You are your kids’ greatest resource! As the leader of your family’s homeschool you need to invest in your own education. This course provides education on not only academic content, but child development, how kids learn best, mapping out a vision and planning.

  • No matter your brand of homeschooling you are the parent and will be the largest factor in determining the opportunities laid out in front of your children. This course will help you open doors so that they are not limited by zone of proximity and it will help you connect dots for them as they seek out their own learning.

  • Just because you have been doing something for years doesn’t mean it couldn’t be better. After 20 years of teaching I still learned new techniques each year that made me a better leader for my students. This course will spark new ideas, provide inspiration and motivation to change things up.

  • Yes! The foundation of this course is all about learning being part of life not replicating school at home. This is the perfect approach when we have multiple kids of varied ages. Instead, of trying to teach several curriculums we will explore how to sharpen our own skills so that broad areas can be meaningful at all ages.

  • You have some really sweet, compliant children! I promise they will like active, authentic learning a whole lot more and you can still do a page once in a while! It’s not about just giving them pages to keep them busy that they are content with it’s about making learning stick!

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Homeschooling With Confidence changes lives and it’s officially OPEN for enrollment