Amsterdam: The Perfect Destination with Littles

I love to travel but, my husband not so much.  That used to stop me from going places but eventually I got to an age when I decided nothing would stop me from seeing the world.  I live on Long Island and when my daughter was just under 2 years old I was looking for a European destination that would be easy to travel to just her and I alone.  I had never traveled alone, and definitely not with a baby so I was a bit nervous about it but I decided to go for it and Amsterdam turned out to be perfect.

Easy to Navigate

Amsterdam is a small city and very easy to navigate with a stroller. The streets are flat and the public transportation is ground level and very stroller accessible.  There are wide doors, no steps and you can even leave your stroller open on the buses.

Amazing Kid-Friendly Food Options

There are tons of food options that kids go nuts for!  Of course, the best being the poffertjes (mini pancakes)!  I highly recommend eating them at De Carrousel Pannenkoeken where there is a carousel right in the center of the restaurant.  Chloe also loved bitterballen, a delicious stew fried in balls of breaded dough, and laughed hysterically at the name every time I said it.  The Van Wonderen stroopwafels were cookies the size of her head and are much better than the packaged ones you get here. Vlaams fries with mayo are of course a kid’s dream.  Tryng Dutch  apple pie is a must and I thoroughly enjoyed all the delicious cheese shops with their tasting rooms.  Chloe even loved the salted herring (yum!) and the kibbeling (fried fish).  There was no shortage of delicious ice cream either.

Walking Tours

 When your baby is still at an age when they are happy to be pushed in their stroller for a while or if you get lucky and can time it right with their nap there are wonderful walking tours.  When you take a walking tour you keep baby happy in the stroller and you actually get to sightsee.  It’s also an excellent way to meet other travelers.  I did a food walking tour which was an awesome way to experience some of the local food listed above.  I also did a tour of historical sites which included Anne Frank’s house, Rembrandt’s house, the Royal Palace and more.


There are so many beautiful parks and fun playgrounds in Amsterdam.  It is how Chloe and I spent most of our time there.  All of the playgrounds on Long Island are similar, made of plastic, bright colors, and some kind of mat flooring.  It was refreshing to see unique playgrounds all over the city.  They were made of wood and metal and included equipment that we never see around here anymore.  The parents aren’t hovering over their children’s every move and risky play is considered an important part of childhood, how they learn and grow.  I loved talking to local parents and watching Chloe play with children from a different part of the world. We visited a gorgeous botanical garden, Hortus Botanicus and spent an entire day at Vondelpark which felt similar to Central Park in NY.

Play Cafes

Four years ago, play cafes were already booming in Amsterdam.  I had never seen one on Long Island at the time.  Now we have a few but still not many.  In Amsterdam there are cafes that serve coffee, beer, wine and other refreshments.  Parents can be seen shopping, reading, chatting or playing with their kids while the children have access to an indoor play space.  This is targeted for toddler age kids as it includes small slides and young toys but it was perfect for Chloe.  I was thrilled to find such a place on a rainy day in Amsterdam and I couldn’t understand why this wasn’t all the rage in NY where we have cold weather for months every year. Taking the play café idea a huge leap forward was Kinderkookkafe an amazing café where kids get to make their own food and play in their whimsical wooden playground outside. This little gem was in Vondelpark and was an amazing way to spend the day.


So, in Amsterdam there are more bikes than people- that’s an actual fact.  If you are from USA like me, then you will be impressed with how people use bikes to get everywhere.   Entire families are getting around all day on their bikes.  There are tons of different kinds too.  I saw mothers with an infant strapped in a baby carrier riding a bike with another toddler in a bike seat on the back. I got to talk to a woman in her 80s riding her bike who told me that is her only form of transportation and it’s what keeps her young and healthy.  People ride with their dogs, groceries, everything- you name it. My favorite is the bike fiets which is a bike with a wheelbarrow attached to the front.  I tried to ride one with Chloe in it but I’m not coordinated enough to do that on city streets!


They call Amsterdam the Venice of the north for a reason.  The city is filled with canals and the best way to tour it is by boat. There are tons of cruise options, plenty that are suitable for young kids. 

Amsterdam will always be a special place in my heart. Chloe and I lived like locals in an air BNB for the two weeks we stayed here.  It was my first time traveling solo as a mama and it definitely gave me a confidence boost. Another reason why Amsterdam is a perfect destination is all of the amazing museums including the Van Gogh Museum but unfortunately I didn’t make it to one.  There was also tons of shopping, everyone had dogs out and about, and even a music man in the street.  Seriously, there are just too many reasons to name why your kids would enjoy this city.  Pack your bags and go to Amsterdam!


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