5 Reasons to Travel with Your Babies & Littles

I have been taking my daughter on trips, including international flights, since she was an infant. I often hear parents putting off trips until their kids are older because:  

·      It’s too hard/ flight too stressful

·      They won’t remember it anyway

·      We won’t be able to enjoy ourselves

·      We are waiting until they are old enough (for whatever imagined rationale out there!)

Stop putting off the things you want to do!

There will always be reasons not to travel even when your kids are older.  Trust me, I have seen it 1000 times and so have you! The “We are waiting until the kids are bigger, then our schedules are all so busy, then we are saving for college, then we have lost the motivation to go at all…” and so on and so on until you are an old person who missed out on something amazing life has to offer- the whole wide world! I am here to tell you that you should not wait to travel until your children are older and here is why!

It’s Not That Hard

You just need to be prepared and remember everywhere you go has access to the things you might need.  Try to be prepared for the flight- it really doesn’t require much read HERE for tips on what to bring. I traveled from NY to Amsterdam all by myself and spent 9 remarkable days with her and it was great!  I was well-prepared for the flight, she was amazing, I packed only a carry on, we got anything we needed in the city and there was always a helping hand if needed (rarely needed BTW!) I have also taken 8-hour car rides with her alone at 5 years old, and again, with preparation no problems whatsoever. Yes, travel always comes with some inconveniences (children or not) but it is so worth it!

They Won’t Remember… But You Will!

This will be an amazing experience for your family. It is okay that the little one won’t remember it the rest of you will and you will have plenty of photo evidence.  Travel is not solely for the purpose of making memories.  When travel becomes a value for your family and your little ones are along for the ride you are shaping who they become. My daughter does not remember all of our trips but she has a travel list of her own a mile long at 5 years old. At 4, she could tell you why she wanted to visit China, Antarctica and Italy (to get the best pizza!) Traveling since 3 months old has ensured that my little girl filled with wanderlust and I wouldn’t have it any other way! She’s interested in what the world looks like, languages, cultures, people, food, animals, everything!

A Trip With Children is Different But It’s Also Better!

Every family is different so what your trip with kids looks like is anything you shape it to be. You can still do things as you would without kids depending on the resources you employ. For us, travel without kids means no nightlife, no drinking, more parks, more playing.  To be honest, I prefer being out in the day to night (I’m in bed by 9). We are not drinkers so we choose not to drink with our kids but that’s our norm anyway. We enjoy parks and honestly, I prefer being outdoors and finding fun over staying in all day. We still go to fancy restaurants and museums but our daughter can handle that, she’s been doing it her whole life. If that didn’t work for her, no problem, I’ll take picnics in the park or the hotel floor any day! With kids we meet lots of locals as we visit neighborhood parks and pet lots of dogs! Kids tend to lead to more conversation openings and a richer experience all in all.

Kids Bring Magic Everywhere They Go

Ever notice how kids see the world with an incredulous wonder? They can be looking out the car window, noting the most mundane things with great curiosity.  Therefore, there is absolutely no one better to travel with.  They bring a magical perspective that is contagious.  If you are grumpy on the trip of your dreams with a kid by your side marveling at all the beauty around you, then I don’t know what’s wrong with you!

A Kid Can Be Your Partner In Crime (or Ride or Die)

LOL, what I mean by this one is, that when I plan an itinerary for a trip there’s a good chance my husband is not enthused over some of what I want to do.  My 5-year-old on the other hand will be happy to go anywhere with me. Again, I know all kids are different but I bet that most of your littles are more than happy to accompany you on whatever adventure you want to take. Chloe is my favorite travel buddy and now I always have someone willing to take a trip with me!

I hope I have convinced you to book that trip!  Check out my other posts on travel for more tips!


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