My Favorite Things in Paris!

Taking my daughter to Paris when she was a baby was such an amazing experience! I was a little concerned about getting around with her stroller as there are tons of stairs in Paris but it worked out fine. I brought a very light umbrella stroller and always had help when I needed it. I also was relying on the Metro, the subway station, but of course you could do cars and the stroller wouldn’t be as tough. I just like to travel by public transport when visiting a city. The Parisians love babies and were so kind to us. We cut the lines at both customs and Versailles because as soon as they saw a stroller they ushered us right in. Strangers talked to my daughter all the time and she delighted in hearing their French. I am a big foodie so admittedly a lot of my favorite moments involved eating! 

Du Pain et des Idees

This was an amazing boulangerie.  We definitely traveled out of the way to visit it and wouldn’t have gone to this arrondissement otherwise but it was the most memorable thing I ate in Paris: the sacristain! I have never had one again and have scoured New York to find one. I even tried to ship one here from this boulangerie! Five years later and I’m still dreaming about this amazing pastry!

Hot Chocolate!

So, when I visited Paris I didn’t yet like coffee. Now, I love it so I’ll have to go back and try it there! However, the hot chocolate or (chocolat chaud!) was incredible! It was really delicious everywhere but the most notable places which now have outposts in NY are Angeline, Laduree and Les Deux Magots (not in NY).


Or squares! I absolutely love the squares (little parks on almost every corner) because you can see how engrained in the fiber of the Parisian culture it is for people to enjoy their lunch on a park bench.  I loved what a social place the parks were. I live in the suburbs of Long Island and our numerous parks are rarely busy places and never have visitors aside from children and parents. At Parisian parks everyone comes to read, enjoy their coffee, have a sandwich.  The most beautiful park I visited was the Luxembourg Gardens. The Tuileries were gorgeous as well.


Wow! Notre Dame, Sacre Coeur, and Sainte Chapelle were the three I was lucky enough to walk inside. The architecture and artwork were extremely moving. When you visit sites that are about 1000 years old you are in complete awe.  It is simply amazing that structures like these could be made with what they had available in those times and yet nothing remotely as special has been made in the last century.  


The Louvre, Musee D’Orsay, Musee de l’Orangerie and so many more. These were the three I fit in and to see original works like Starry Night Over the Rhone, royal jewels at the Louvre and art that is 9000 years old is simply amazing. This cannot be missed in Paris!


I love how each arrondissement (neighborhood) in Paris has its own vibe. Montmartre was my favorite because of the hilly roads, amazing views and charming cafes. The often instagrammed pink café La Maison Rose can be found here. I also loved Ile Saint-Louis near Notre Dame. I had a wonderful breakfast at the Saint Regis Café. I also renewed my vows at the cathedral! St. Germaine des Pres was beautiful and packed with shops.


Yummmm! I have never again had a crepe that tasted remotely like the delicacies I had in Paris. They were divine! My favorite was at La Droguerie.  Another amazing one was at Breizh Café.

Ice Cream

The two best stops we made for ice cream were at Berthillon and Grom Gelato. I see Grom has an outpost in NY but I have not tried it yet. This was the first place my daughter tried ice cream!

Other Absolute Favorites!

  • The Eiffel Tower at night of course!

  • Driving in a 2cv

  • Cooking class at a local’s house (HERE) I love Anne!!

  • Dinner at Ristorante Tosca

  • Parisians love babies and were so accommodating to me traveling with a 10 month old!

  • Trip to Normandy

  • Trip to Versailles

J’aime Paris!

I am so happy we went to Paris and didn’t put it off until our daughter was older. It was her first international trip and we continued to take more and more. I wrote a blog on why you should never put off travel because your kids are small HERE!


Tips for Flying with Babes and Littles


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