Landing on Homeschooling
We get back almost 17,000 hours together
We can enjoy slow mornings together and in general a slower pace of life
Learning happens everywhere and all the time so Chloe won’t have to spend certain hours on “school” and other hours pursuing talents and passions
Now joining extracurriculars doesn’t mean only spending minutes together each day
Her academic pursuits will truly be led by her needs, wants and interests
We learn best from those we trust, love and respect and those are the teachers who know what we need
The world is a beautiful place to learn why do it from inside at a desk
We can travel any time we want to as long as we can afford to do it, we do not have to schedule our lives around school breaks
I won’t have to worry about screen time at school, bullies, behavior disruptions, or bad teachers (I am a teacher but it happens!)
These are some of the realizations I have had and I’m sure I will continue to have more. This does not mean that I have no worries about Chloe missing out on some things because of homeschooling. However, I also know that she would miss out on something no matter which path we chose. I feel confident that this way she will get back 180 school days each year to spend in a more joyful way and we will try to make sure she still gets to meet many peers and make friends, be exposed to teachers other than me, and find role models outside of her parents. I am so excited for the journey ahead and I am happy to say that homeschool is my first choice!