Choosing Homeschool Nicolle Santaromita Choosing Homeschool Nicolle Santaromita

What’s the Rush?

Why are we pushing our kids so early? When did sooner is better become our society’s philosophy? How often do you hear that kindergarten is nothing like it used to be and these kids are learning much younger? When did this become a positive statement?

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Choosing Homeschool Nicolle Santaromita Choosing Homeschool Nicolle Santaromita

Landing on Homeschooling

The past year has been a journey that ultimately brought me to choosing homeschooling for my daughter. I started out thinking she would go to public, then private, then felt I had to homeschool and it was a last resort. Now, I believe homeschooling is the best option and should be the first choice for those who share my philosophies on childhood, parenting and education.

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